It has been a fantastic summer, but September is fast approaching. It’s about that time when many children are preparing to go back to school. Here are some helpful tips to transition children back into a mode of learning.
1) ROUTINES -Establish a sleep schedule and morning routines before the first day of school arrives. Students need time to make the transition from a summer off to 10 months of concentrated schooling. Make the transition smooth by getting children on a schedule way before school begins.
2) EDUCATIONAL GAMES – Play educational games with your children. Show them how important education is to you by actively engaging in fun learning groups with them. Play Scrabble, Boggle, Apples to Apples, UpWords, or any board game that inspires learning. You can also buy flash cards of any sort and create games to learn facts.
3) SCHOOL SUPPLIES – Invite children to go shopping with you for school supplies. Make a big deal out of the event by putting a special invitation on your child’s pillow to go shopping with you. Get your child hyped up. While you are shopping, talk the whole time about how fantastic the new school year is going to be for them.
4) END OF SUMMER CELEBRATIONS – Since Labor Day has come to be celebrated by most Americans as the symbolic end of the summer, create celebratory events around the Labor Day theme. Tie the events into the excitement of a new school year beginning. Also note that in U.S. sports, Labor Day marks the beginning of the NFL and college football season. This might be of interest to lots of children.
5) LIST STUDENT GOALS – Talk to children about school year academic goals and behavioral expectations. Make a list and post it in a prominent place around the house.
6) MAKE POSTERS – Create inspirational posters out of oak tag and markers. The posters could include positive affirmations and attitudes about school. Post the finished works in children’s bedrooms to inspire a positive attitude towards the new year.
7) MAKE ART WRITING JOURNALS – Visit art museums and have children respond to the work of artists through a writing journal. Various museums have free admission times. If you are in New York, you can go to for a listing of free museums.
Please share any comments you have about the strategies listed in this blog or feel free to add some ideas of your own.
Ms. Tootie
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